
This blog is for a fake company. It is being used for a social media marketing course.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Becky's Breed's: Bringing Happiness One Critter at a Time

Many years ago I was watching T.V. and that heart wrenching commercial for the ASPCA came on with Sarah McLachlan singing in the background. I immediately wanted to change the channel but instead I started crying and pulled out my checkbook. After years of watching my checks do nothing for the area I live in I decided to put matters into my own hands, hence Becky's Breed Rescue was born.

The first rescue was the best experience of my life. Our company had just set up a hotline to call and on our first call it was the dead of winter. The caller informed us that there was a dog frozen on the side of the road. Luckily my partner and I were near by we got to the site with blankets and heating pads, clammed the dog down, and he was saved. He lives with us now and we call him Ice Cube. Just so you all know he hates the winter so we made a special indoor toilet for him to use during the winter.

Stay tuned for more adventures with Ice Cube & Becky's Breeds!


  1. I can't wait to hear more adventures about the critters you rescue! You have the disclaimer. Change your name to your business name. Maybe change the background to match your logo. I do like how narrow the blog is. It's like a newspaper article. I want to see a picture of Ice Cube. The business concept is clear.

  2. I think you did an amazing job on your blog! I think you definitely satisfied all the requirements of the assignment!

  3. I really like your logo becky! I would change your background to something maybe with the same blue of your logo?Also I think the layout could be a little wider to give your text some more room. I really enjoyed your first post, it was entertaining and endearing and made me want to check your blog again in the future!

  4. The flow of your page is very appealing. Not a lot of people did it this way. The story is a nice touch. As you mentioned in class maybe a picture or a video of the first rescued dog "Ice Cube" would add more of a personal touch.

  5. - Narrow column for reading causes reader to scroll too often.
    - Great graphics
    - Great colors
    - Great background
    - Blog is inviting
    - Great logo

  6. Thank you Matthew, Aaron, Emily, Laura, and Deanna for reading my blog and your feedback.
