
This blog is for a fake company. It is being used for a social media marketing course.

Friday, February 13, 2015


Becky's Breeds received a phone call yesterday from a realtor who was taking pictures inside of a vacant house she is trying to sell. To her surprise she turned the corner and this is what she saw.
Picture from Google

This was a first for a call about an alligator in the middle of
house in the dead of winter in Wisconsin. Luckily we know
some people from Florida who know how to deal with this issue. Snappy the alligator and the realtor are both safe and Snappy is on his way back to a warm spot. Why do people think alligators make good pets?



  1. Looking good Becky! Everything is easy to find and readable. I love this post, so creative!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This is hilarious! Very clever.

    However, you've got some serious issues you need to take care if immediately.
    1.) Move the blog archive gadget to the very bottom of the blog.
    2.) Move your logo gadget to the top of the right navigation. The disclaimer show go directly above or below it.
    3.) The post font your using is too dominating. Change it to unbold, size 12. Try Verdana, Calibri, Trebuchet, or Century Gothic.
